AttachVolumeToInstanceParameters Object


Specifies parameters to use when attaching an EBS volume to an EC2 instance.



Name of the device to attach the volume as. For example, /dev/xvda1.

Type: string

Required: Yes


ID of the EC2 instance to which the EBS volume will be attached. Required when instanceIdentificationMethod is by-instance-id.

Type: string

Required: Conditional


Method of identifying the EC2 instance to which attach the volume.

Type: string

Valid Values:

  • by-instance-id

Required: Yes


Indicates whether an existing device previously using the specified device name should be detached first. If a device is already using the specified device name, and this field is false, then the volume cannot be attached.

Type: boolean

Required: No

Default: false


Indicates whether the target EC2 instance should be stopped when attaching the EBS volume.

Type: boolean

Required: No

Default: false

Sample JSON

    "instanceIdentificationMethod": "by-instance-id",
    "instanceId": "i-00000000",
    "deviceName": "/dev/xvda1",
    "isDetachExistingDevice": true,
    "isStopInstance": true

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