GoogleServiceAccountKeyParameters Object


Specifies parameters for a Google Cloud Provider service account key.



Project ID of the Google project containing the resources that will be accesses. This value is specified only if the active project is different than the Google project containing the service account key.

Type: string

Required: No


Client email of the service account key. This value can be found in the service account key JSON file downloaded from your Google Cloud Platform project.

Type: string

Required: Yes


Client ID of the service account key. This value can be found in the service account key JSON file downloaded from your Google Cloud Platform project.

Type: string

Required: Yes


Private key of the service account key. This value can be found in the service account key JSON file downloaded from your Google Cloud Platform project.

Type: string

Required: Yes


The project ID of the Google project containing the service account key. This value can be found in the service account key JSON file downloaded from your Google Cloud Platform project.

Type: string

Required: Required

Sample JSON

    "projectId": "blue-danube-123456",
    "clientId": "1234567890",
    "clientEmail": "",
    "privateKey": "1234567890",
    "activeProjectId": "black-door-123456"

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